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Markíza TV
M. Boháč on Extrémnych premenách [Extreme Changes]

The successful Markíza reality show continues with a second season. Each episode is a chronicle of one human journey to find a lost self and new happiness. Twelve Slovaks aim to change their appearance and lifestyle by achieving a huge physical transformation. The desired aesthetic change in extreme weight loss is only possible with the mastery of aesthetic surgeon M. Boháč.

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How much does a new summer body cost?

Do you long for a 'new' beautiful body with the approaching summer? A combination of aesthetic and surgical procedures are the ideal solution. Their advantage is significant changes, with high efficiency and shorter overall recovery period. Operations on different parts of the body can be combined and performed at the same time - for example, facelift and double chin removal, suck fat off thighs and belly to form the perfect buttocks and breasts.

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New breasts - how easy!

Bodybuilder Nikola Weiterová (27) intuitively felt that she should have her breast implants replaced. The strong feeling that something was wrong with them was confirmed by an expert's examination. Despite living in the USA, after several consultations at renowned plastic surgery clinics she opted to have the operation in Slovakia. She was won over by aesthetic surgeon Dr. M. Boháč’s personal approach, the comprehensive preoperative examinations, and his experience with complicated operations.

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The rejuvenation of intimate parts

We can also soften signs of aging in intimate areas. Intimbloom Laser Treatment is a versatile solution that quickly and effectively corrects various female health problems. The minimally-invasive procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and does not require anesthesia or convalescence. Immediately after the procedure, the woman can return to her regular pace of life accompanied by a wonderful feeling of inner rejuvenation and increased self-confidence.

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Smaller breasts, more self-confidence

Women who want breast reduction often experience disharmony, not only aesthetically but also in terms of health. Most suffer from difficulty breathing, neck and back pain, poor posture, and often a crooked spine. For some the reason is unwanted attention, doubts about their own attractiveness, reduced self-esteem, or limited choices for stylish clothing. The perfect solution is a reduction mammoplasty.

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Petite is pretty

Small or large labia surgery (labioplasty) is a common procedure, although it remains somewhat a taboo subject. Women choose it for several reasons - they are troubled by their aesthetic disharmony, physical irritation, discomfort during running, cycling, swimming, or sexual intercourse, as well as frequent mycoses and inflammation. Aesthetic surgery can create natural harmony where the outer large lips overlap the small inner ones.

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A new breast
Avon and the League Against Breast Cancer, 2015
A monograph on breast reconstruction that helps women regain lost femininity and harmony after cancer.

80 research publications
International publications can be found on the acclaimed portal ResearchGate


M. Boháč is also actively involved in non-profit, scientific, and commercial projects related to plastic surgery.

Regenerative Medicine

Aesthetic surgery
